Are You Ready For what comes next?
Are the times we live in more uncertain now than they have been in the past? Are we more aware now that we have the internet and social media?
Or is our exposure to so much information creating more confusion, more polarisation, more conflict as we choose ‘sides’ who to believe, and why?
With so much social media now, and who knows how much of it created, or assisted by AI, what can we believe. Obviously our beliefs are dependant upon our history, what we have been taught and conditioning into believing, this is what determines where we put our energy.
There are all sorts of predictions about the future of the human race, all sorts of people telling us that 2025 is going to be big. Either in a positive way or doom and gloom.
As many of you know I have been an advocate of not believing a word ANYONE tells me. Everyone is pushing their own belief, their own agenda. Trying to sell me something, an idea, a belief, a product based upon their own limited understanding and self interest. So, because I was offered options regarding my space clearing journey back in the day, I looked at these options and could not work out which one was closest to a truth. Whose truth? It was obvious that the people behind the options were just pushing their own agenda, what they had been conditioned to believe.
This was the beginning for me of not taking sides, not believing one side as against another, maybe both were ‘right’ maybe both were ‘wrong’. I have had many opportunities to notice many different points of view on many different subjects over the years since that ‘awakening’ all reinforcing that idea that no one really knows what they are talking about, they are just sharing the ‘party’ line.
As you can imagine, following this line of thought, not believing a word, has led me to a place where I have no interest at all in any media, no matter how it is presented. Now I rely on my own knowings, that arise as a result of my clearing work, aka acceptance. The more I step back from judgment of any kind, the more compassion arises (as a result of a deeper understanding).
Alongside this it is as though my access to The Mind (non-local, as talked about several times before) expands, more information of a less polarised state presents itself. Still, the fundamental concept of not believing a word anyone says is applied, meaning I need to be sure this information is leading me down a path that I suspect leads to a greater awakening of consciousness.
For the most part the information that I become aware of makes a lot of sense, not just to me but all of the people I work with.
So, what has this got to do with being ready for what comes next?
As I really have no idea to whatever that might be I cannot predict, nor pretend to know the future. Although I do believe that ‘change’ is the only thing we can rely on. Nothing remains the same. Our world, or at least our perception of the world is in a constant state of change.
It changes primarily as a result of the energy put into the world, the thoughts, words, actions of all humanity.
Many people suffer because the changes create conflict, concern, fears and doubts.
We suffer because of our addiction to our past, to how things were last year! This is not necessarily a conscious addiction, more often than not it is because of aspects of the self that remain hidden in the sub-conscious (Carl Jung’s Shadow!) But the fact remains, the body resists change, especially where it leads to apparent insecurity. Even our bodies, so used (addicted) to certain ways of being find change difficult.
Neurologically we are in a rut, a rut where neurons fire in a pre-determined pattern, creating the same old neuro-peptides time and time again. This gives us the same feelings, the feelings that we have become accustomed to over many years. This is addiction.
We remain addicted to the past because of familiarity, our inability to see change objectively, our inability to let go of judgements based upon past conditions and experiences.
It is this inability that creates so much resistance to change. Our bodies resist change which gives rise to greater conflict and more discomfort.
And we resist change because we still believe one story over another. The common belief, from a conditioned point of view is that to surrender will allow that which we oppose to dominate.
Yet what if (!) we stop believing the stories of others? What if we no longer support polarised points of view? What if we suspend judgment? Whatever it is you think will happen is still just a product of a polarised mind. You cannot think outside of that box you have become addicted to.
Remaining in that accepted box you will suffer as the world changes, In fact, you will be partly responsible for creating a conflicted world because of your attachment to your point of view.
Now, what if (!) you stopped believing in your story (or anyone else as well) What if you stopped giving energy to a polarised, judgmental belief?
What if this created a new reality, possibly a parallel reality, one in which conflict no longer existed!
For without resistance change is no longer a problem, without resistance there is no more addiction to a past. Without resistance you may not even notice change for you can only notice change when you have resistance to that change. Imagine waking up one morning into a world free of conflict. All this is possible when you let go of your attachment to being right.