About Clearing
A General Introduction to Energy Clearing.
Ultimately ‘Energy Clearing’ is a state of being. A state of inner peace that exists without blame, without judgement and without personalising that which they feel.
In order to reach this state though we need to look at life differently to that which we are accustomed.
When a person sets out on this path one of the first things they learn is to notice what is happening in their body, to recognise, by techniques taught, why this ‘feeling’ arises. When we can understand that feelings are simply bio-chemical reactions in the body and our language, consciously or not, supports that particular feeling by identifying with it, “I am this – I am that”, we can begin to reduce the intensity of that ‘feeling.’
We achieve this by first noticing the feeling, then by recognising that the feeling is just the body reacting to the energy of others. By continual practice we come to realise that the ‘feelings’ we experience are not ‘ours’ they are simply feelings that we have, in the past, identified with.
With enough practice the body begins to feel safer with a broader range of feelings, something the system has not experienced before (Jung’s Shadow being the aspects of the self that we are not comfortable with, hence the shadow, the hidden, the unaccepted).
As the body/energy system feels safer feeling these chemicals, recognising them for what they truly are, simply chemicals, created by the body in reaction to certain stimuli.
The intensity of the feeling reduces until it has no power over you.
This is the equivalent of an open, more compassionate heart. As the heart feels safe enough to open more so we become more compassionate.
It is this state of compassion, the state that ‘does’ the energy clearing. We are able to collapse conflict and stress in whatever form it takes and leave both the clearer and clearee in a quieter more peaceful place. In turn this supports growth and change in both clearer and clearee.