Is a state many people are lost in. Not always aware of their confused state they struggle with life without recognising they are struggling.
Imagine being born into a state of confusion. Not something you did deliberately. Yet confusion, by the simple fact of being born into this world is inevitable.
We are taught, from a very early age, how to cope and manage, survive and sometimes prosper in this world. We are taught by parents, siblings, teachers, co workers etc. Yet where did these people learn their skills? From others who went before them I expect.
Can we be sure those ‘others’ knew what they were talking about?
In my understanding a state of confusion arises as a result of a strong identity with the body, thoughts and emotions. This identity has been formed according to when and where we were born.
As we develop likes and dislikes, needs and wants, in other words a ’personality’ the mind, or what passes for our ‘mind’ is caught between two opposites. The degree of opposition is dependant upon how attached we are to particular points of view. Want – don’t want. Like – don’t like. This causes us to make decisions based solely upon our conditioned preferences.
Each decision we make, from this polarised point of view, leads into a unique future, every decision has its own path. Pretty soon, following this ‘argument, we become so lost down a rabbit hole, with no real recollection of how we got there, that assuming we remain asleep to the principle of cause and effect we just get caught dealing with life in the rabbit hole.
If we were to be able to question how, or why we ended up in this particular rabbit hole it is ultimately not going to do us any good. No revelation that we can gain from the rabbit hole can explain how we got there. Understanding would mean retracing our steps, our thought processes back to a starting point.
Most unlikely to be successful.
It would also mean that the person lost down a rabbit hole is awake enough to question reality. The fact that the individual is lost down the rabbit hole should tell us that they are not awake enough. If they were they would either be down a different rabbit hole or back on the surface of self awareness.
So confusion arises because the person, for the most part, cannot realise they are lost and therefore finds no reason to escape the rabbit hole. If confusion equals not clarity then it may be easier to see the reasoning behind this comment.
A confused person (through no fault of their own) appears to have lost the plot! To be on a path to nowhere, to be treading water.
This state arises partly because of the build up of stress, or tension, in the body. This is often a slow process, accumulating over time.
So slow and gentle is this process that we fail to recognise it is happening, until, that is, we hit the wall and the stress, tension, ? Confusion, becomes so obvious we cannot avoid it any longer.
Even if we were to recognise that we are lost down a path not of our own conscious making, to try and find the way out / back is not possible.
‘Clearing’ to the rescue.
It has become obvious to me that clearing is capable of many things, one of which is bringing a person back onto a more peaceful path.
Imagine what is happening during any ‘clearing’ of a person or environment. The ‘clearer is essentially holding a place of non-judgment, to the best of their ability, to allow any stress, build up of charge or energetic imbalance stored on the other or the environment, to release. When stress / tension is released the other system can begin to relax.
A stressed system is not really capable of healing itself whereas a system that is relaxed can. Apart from creating an stress free inner world we should look at the programming that caused the stress buildup in the first place.
The longer any system can remain stress free the more likely it is to develop new neural pathways, no longer stuck in a reactive state but able to discriminate, to ‘choose’ to respond and not react.
By continually putting your system into such an environment the chance of finding a less stressful rabbit hole increase. So, without consciously trying to work on, or even understand the what’s and the why’s and the when’s the original program falls away.
As Donovan, an English singer back in the day sang “First there is a mountain then there is no mountain then there is.” An update version would be “First there is a rabbit hole then there is no rabbit hole then there is.”
There is a light at the end of the tunnel (or rabbit hole)…