Non-Local Mind

Back in the day before the Internet I read a book, ‘Recovering the Soul’ by Dr. Larry Dossey.

In it he discussed the possibility / likelihood that Mind is Non-Local. At the time it was just an Interesting concept. Yet as I continue following the path of Acceptance, aka ‘Clearing’ this idea has taken a hold of my imagination and seem to be perfectly logical to me now.

What does this mean? Mind is non-local. I think the simplest explanation is that ‘Non-Local’ means something that cannot be confined to time and space. It is everywhere at all times.

Does this just refer to The Mind, however you want to interpret that? Or does it include that which passes for the individuals mind?

I would be interested in feedback on this because my current understanding, not commonly known or accepted, is that we do not have a mind per se. What we do have is an amazing nervous system that interprets Mind.

Some recently have put forward the idea that we live in a computer simulation, a recent hypothesis, but could the answer be similar. I wrote last month about the Buddhist concept of the Bardo, aka a realm of becoming, an intermediate state produced by the unfilled desires, fears or whatever Karmic Charge the individual held at the moment of death of the body. This gives energy to another Buddhist concept, and I quote Erwin Schrodinger,

“Every man’s world picture is and always remans a construct of his mind and cannot be proved to have any other existence.”

There are many well known people throughout our recent history who have come to similar conclusions. The Buddha was reported to have said “The objective world arises from the mind itself.”

But whose mind was he referring to, did he believe we had an individual mind or was he referring to the Mind.

If we can be open to the possibility that we do not have a mind but are a part of The Mind, from which we access all information, thoughts, ideas and concepts and that which we are able to tune into is limited by the beliefs that we have been taught by those who walked this earth before us, themselves victims to their own history, then we can see that where our attention / focus goes our reality follows.

This is simply demonstrated, if you sit quietly for a moment, and then imagine an unpleasant situation, do you notice a change in how you feel? Then, think of a pleasant memory, does that change how you feel? If you practice this it becomes obvious that as you focus shifts, so does your physiology. If you continue to give energy to a negative feeling that will translate into an uncomfortable feeling in the body. Likewise if you focus on a positive memory that will create a much more pleasant feeing in the body.

Back for a moment to The Mind. How do we access this Mind, I believe it is through our nervous system? We see shape, form, colour, we hear sounds, we smell aroma, we touch, we taste, we also sense. So our awareness, depending upon where it is focussed, is analysing, interpreting our environment. Other creatures, with different nervous systems see and experience this very same world in very different ways.

We expect the world to be a certain way because we have become used to, or familiar with its appearance, so much so that we continue to expect it to behave in the way we have always seen it.

Because of this familiarity nothing seems to change. Yet surely you have noticed when giving energy to dark or depressive thoughts the world appears to be an unwelcoming place, yet, when we are joyful in our outlook then the world reflects that joy.

This is a very simple example of how our interpretation of the world, based upon our conditioned awareness, is shaped by our expectations. When millions of people – individual aspects of The Mind – all put their focus on one thing, then that, whatever they give attention to, appears to be real, but its reality is a product of their focus, having nothing to do with any deeper reality.

Imagine your nervous system to be like a radio transceiver, it receives and sends information. For most, if not all of us, that radio is tuned into a limited number of radio stations. Limited by out conditioning to believe things are as they appear to be. I suspect that several of what we might call, the great minds of our time, had access to a lot more information than most of us.

Yet Mind, being non-local is there, always present, always available, so it should be possible for each of us to access much more of this mind than we currently do.

I believe the only thing holding us back from this great wealth of knowledge and experience is our addiction to the past.

We are stuck in a routine, in a limited belief about who we truly are, this addiction to a routine will always be the only thing that prevents us from greater access to The Mind.

The way out of these limitations is, I believe, the practice of acceptance.

More on this next month.