Eric’s latest book is now available, either as a hard copy, Kindle or E Reader
Excerpt from the beginning of the book:
Before I begin, I want to be sure that you, the reader, understand this is my story, my journey. It may or may not reflect yours; it may or may not make any sense to you. Above all, I make no definitive claims as to how things are. This is my experience seen through the eyes of my journey.
The Buddha was reported to have begun each of his sermons with the words ‘Thus have I heard,’ thereby making no claim to any truth. I do the same.
I will often refer to the teachings of the Buddha; yet I have had almost no formal training in Buddhism. I have read a lot and been interested in these teachings for many years but have not studied with any teacher. My understandings of the teaching, as I share in this book, are based on personal realisations that have arisen as a result of my following the practice of ‘Clearing’.
this is not a very big book, only 143 pages, it does, however, contain a lot of information…