Reality? Is it real or just a construct.
What is ‘Reality’ if not the individuals perception of this third dimensional world that we inhabit.
To understand the world, according to Nikola Tesla, we must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Hmm.
I often refer to the nature of Mind as being non-local, meaning it is not confined in time and space.
So, we are experiencing a world of multiple frequencies, we access these frequencies through our nervous system, our brain analyses that information and produces, form, colour, sound, taste, touch, smell etc.
I think it is obvious that many different people experience a different world, according to any past experiences, programming and genetics.
As Ram Dass once said, “We will always find what we are looking for” We may not like, or expect what we find, primarily because much of what shows up on our path arises as a result of the ‘Shadow’, the subconscious aspects of the self.
People expect the world to be a certain way according to their own histories, conditioning and experiences. They will always see the world through the eyes of expectation. Is it this expectation that creates our world?
How else can we explain the seemingly different worlds that each of us inhabit if not by the individuals expectations.
But where did these expectations come from? Do we have a past that we are not aware of? Or did our entire reality just show up when we were born into this world?
My experience tells me that nothing arises from nothing. That which presents today is a result of what went before. But whatever went before! Where did that arise from, random chance? I doubt it.
It is a complex rabbit hole we try to follow to determine where our current conditioning arose from, to me, this is a waste of time and energy. Instead we work with who we believe ourselves to be now, not concerned with why, what or when.
Yet, if our current perception of reality is indeed a product of our expectations, then it must be that we, individually, are creating our world. We create our world out of nothing more than information, or ‘fields’ of energy. Obviously we subscribe to a collective view of the world, certain patterns are embedded, through frequent use by many people.
In fact, it is likely that everything we experience is a result of a habit. Assume an experience in childhood, you reacted to that situation in a particular way. Go back to the energy/frequency/vibration idea. So a particular experience would be associate with a particular frequency.
You may well meet that frequency (in a different form possibly) along your journey. When this frequency is encountered it triggers off a memory of the earlier experience, this cause the neurons to fire in a pre established order, creating a particular neuropeptide which in turn creates a unique amino acid which you then interpret as a feeling. Identifying with that feeling just produces more chemicals of the same frequency. After a while this reaction becomes your default way of responding.
You begin to expect to feel the same when triggered. As you expect it, you create the potential to re-experience it.
You are stuck in a groove, or one of many! Life becomes predictable. You then have little choice but to identify with these chemical reactions and believe that this, whatever ‘this’ is, is you.
This then implies that our future is very much a product of our past, and the we are indeed, individually, creating our personal reality within the bigger picture.
Is ‘my’ reality any more real than yours? Is anyone’s reality ‘real’ or are they all just figments of the imagination?
Understanding this possibility as we move from shadow consciousness into a more ‘awake’ world we can begin to change that which shows up, therefore altering the reality in which we live.
Then who can say ‘this’ reality is real? Does it appear more ‘real’ because more people believe in it? Yet our personal reality has to be a product of our own making. Even though we are often dissatisfied with that which continues to show up on our doorstep, just because the sub-conscious is still active in creating our reality.
I suspect that all of the time we continue to identify with the body, thoughts and emotions we will continue to see the world through expectant eyes, that will colour the world we live in. Until we are able to move beyond these self imposed limitations we will always be victims, to some degree, of our expectations.
What lies beyond personal expectations? That remains to be seen!